Over the last 20 years the Rooibos and Chamomile Infused Oil has really taken off. This 100% natural product has proved incredibly effective on itchy skins throughout South Africa. Vets are even recommending it before trying the usual allopathic cortisone. In late 2016 Moringa was also added to the infusion to provide the huge benefits of this ingredient to the well-established remedy
The Moringa Oil is added to the animals’ regular food and over a period of time the active ingredients boost the animals’ natural immune system thereby increasing their resistance to the effects of allergies, bites and stress which would otherwise lead to skin ailments, itchiness and poor fur. Moringa provides additional benefits in reducing inflammation; fighting infections; and is packed with nutrients and anti-oxidants.
The process of creating the product involves an infusion of the complete dried Moringa leaves, Chamomile flowers and Rooibos tea leaves in the oil, the result of which is also a by-product of pure Moringa, Rooibos and Chamomile which is sold separately as the “Moringa Crunch”. The three main ingredients are 100% Organic, thus ensuring that the nutritional value is not compromised by pesticides and other nasties. Amazingly enough, animals seem to enjoy this slightly sludgy mix just as it is – a few teaspoons over their food adds interest and dogs will lap it up.
Moringa, Rooibos & Chamomile Infused Oil is bottled in pharmaceutical grade glass and PET plastic containers, which are 100% recyclable.